Never did fall or like someone this much
For 5 long amazing years..
you made me smile,
you made laugh,
you made me memorize lyrics of every song you sing,
you made me buy perfumes that you personally made,
you made me watch music videos a hundred times a day and never get tired of watching it,
you inspire me and encourage me,
you made me believe in myself more than anyone else,
you made me feel all the possible emotions a person could ever felt with every song you sing, with every decisions you make, with every relationships you had and with every hellos and farewells
I know that whatever happens from now you will be happy. And all I want is for you to be happy.
I know that you didn't just made this decision overnight, that you actually think all the possible consequences of your massive decision.

I am hoping the best for you cheesehead. All the best. Please don't ever forget, don't ever change.
Never, never, always and forever yours,
Ysabelle xx
I can't wait for the come back. Make it happen soon.
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