Thank You.

Sorry for forgetting you during the happy times. 

Everytime that a challenge or problem that would come in my way I would always ask him WHY. 

Why did he give this to me? 

Why is this happening to me? 

Why am I feeling this way?

Why me?

And I always got nothing. No answers to all the WHYS. And then one day I would realize that it happened to me for a reason that I may have not yet known or identified or recognized because I am so busy blaming him, asking him and questioning him. That there are millions of people in the world and yet He choose me to face such difficulty in life. He never explained to me or I never gave him the chance to do so because my judgement is clouded with emotions. 

"One day I would realize that it happened to me for a reason that I may have not yet known or identified or recognized because I am so busy blaming him, asking him and questioning him."

I used to talk to him everynight and even made a promise to read his stories everyday. And yet I failed him. Everyday I will wake up I would pick up my phone automatically to check on my social media sites instead of picking up his book; Instead of talking to him I would rather talk to my friends and before I go to sleep I would wonder what happened that day and ask him why. But he never asked me why, why am I not keeping my promise? 

"He never abandoned me. He never condemned me. He never made me feel alone and unloved. "

Despite of all the harsh words, stupid questions and being selfish, He never abandoned me. He never condemned me. He never made me feel alone and unloved. Instead He stood by my side even if I'm abusing his kindness and understanding. He opted to stay, even those times that I am pushing him away.  He hugged me tighter and whispered encouraging words even if I am not listening. He gave me light in the midst of darkness. He gave me shelter during the rain. He gave me wisdom. He gave me understanding. He gave me love. He gave me his forgiveness even if I am not asking it. He gave me things more than I deserve. And I forgot to thank him. 

So, please let me take this opportunity to Thank you. To thank you to all the times you never left my side, to all the chances that you gave me, to all the waking days, to all the love, to all the support, to all the understanding, to everything that you are showering me. And to the life that you gave me and still giving me. 

Thank you for everything, Lord. 


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